The Mvskoke Veterans Seal was concepted and created in May 2008 to be a symbolic crest representing the history of Mvskoke warriors throughout the ages. Our seal stands as a testament to our warriors who have and continue to serve in all branches of the United States military. Upon visiting our location on the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Tribal Complex you will see our seal imprinted on the departmental flag located in front of the building. The separate elements that constitute the seal are displayed in various forms throughout the architecture and archives of exhibits within the corridors.
Estofis Ekvnv Homvn Sapakleares
We have always been at the front
Red Eagle
Representing Chief Red Eagle from the War of 1812, and symbol for American Indians, but made red to represent – Este Cate
10 Gold Stars
Represents wars Muscogee warriors have fought in:
Red Stick War of 1812, Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan
Gold Cross
Represents the Christian religion
Represents the traditional religion
Crossed war clubs
Represents the traditional religion
Represents the modern U.S. military, which we serve.